We connect decision-makers to create opportunities for business and collaborations for a livable planet. 

We uphold the business community we have created as a stronghold for honest and uncensored dialogue about the complex dynamics of business, money, and their effects on human relationships, culture and the planet.

ABM is a community of exceptional people who agree on a set of values. Indigenous people are at the core of the values held by ABM.

We are decision-makers who uphold genuine friendship as one of the strongest drivers of positive change. ABM is therefore a dynamic and complex network of individuals who have personal investment in the well-being of one another. ABMers generously explore friendship, collaboration, partnership, integration, referrals, business opportunities, and knowledge exchange.

Here are a few insights that will help you to make participating into a rewarding experience.

1. Register for at least one Online Business Connector each month! It makes you visible and accessible.

  • As we curate these Connectors, the subject matter is less important than our ability to mobilize the ABMers whose business interests align with yours.

  • If you are a representative of an Indigenous community or development corporations, you have the option to host your own exclusive Connectors to address your business priorities effectively. We also recommend attending other Connectors to expand your network.

2. Be engaged and engaging! Sharing who you are as a human being and showing up with generosity and curiosity is the first step to earn your place in our business community.

  • The more active you are and the more interest you show in others, the more opportunities you create for the ABM Community to get to know you. This is how you foster meaningful relationships that translate into business.

  • Converse with as many community members as you can, regardless of the organization they represent. Everybody knows something or somebody you need to know.

  • Respond to incoming meeting requests expeditiously. It makes sure nobody is prevented from completing their schedules.

  • Express who you are! Make sure your personal and business profiles showcase the opportunities you offer, your experience and what goals you pursue.

  • If you offer revenue-generating business and partnership models, please make sure you provide details.

  • Every ABM Community Member purchases goods and services. Please make sure that you add your needs into your profile. It adds to the value you bring.

3. Ensure you are available for the Connectors you commit to! That way nobody is spinning their wheels.

4. Try to avoid declinations. It fosters a positive and dynamic environment which helps everybody to think outside of their boxes.

  • It is often the hidden opportunity that provides unexpected value.

  • Block appoinment slots you know you are not available for! That way, nobody books a meeting that ends up being declined.

5. Enter your cell phone into your personal profile!

That way you get meeting notifications.

6. If you have to cancel your participation in an Online Business Connector, let your matchmaker know.

Their assistance ensures that you are able to make up for any missed connections promptly.

7. Stay in conversation with your matchmaker!

Book yourself into Jamie’s or Katrin’s calendar once a month or so to stay in touch.

8. Attend ABM Canada (November 26 to 28, 2024, Kamloops, BC) when our business community convenes and strengthens connections.

9. Participate in Uncensored, our Dialogue Forum!

We hold it at Katrin’s loft in Tla’amin Territory every three months or so. Uncensored creates an exceptional group of peers that ensures the cohesion of the ABM Business Community in the pursuit of ABM's vision of prosperous people on a livable planet.

Here are some tutorial videos on how to do stuff:

You can always reach Katrin at 604-483-6421 or Jamie at 250-878-4283 if you need assistance.