We are pleased to support the Indigenous Seafood Supply Conference with registration and business matching services!

About the Indigenous Seafood Supply Conference (ISS)

The purpose of the ISS 2025 is to stir excitement and provide practical steps toward engaging in seafood commerce for the entrepreneurs and administrations of the First Nations of the North and Central coast of BC.

 The landed value and wholesale value of seafood on the west coast of Canada is worth about $2billion annually – with about 75% of that being exported to about 75-80 countries around the world. We catch a lot of fish – over 100 species are caught commercially in BC.

First Nations have always been excellent in the skills of harvesting seafood, preparing seafood, and making seafood a central part of their identity and culture. First Nations have also been excellent in the traditional trade and barter economies of seafood. This all sets the stage for a fulsome participation in the modern economy of BC seafood moving forward.

For over a century, this BC industry has been prioritizing corporate interests and export markets. Now, in 2025 and beyond, First Nations are ready to Indigenize the shore-side seafood infrastructure and participate in a meaningful way in that $2billion annual seafood commerce.

For the last few decades, BC’s commercial fishing licences and quota have been steadily transferring over the First Nations management and rights-based seafood harvesting has been increasingly recognized by Canada’s courts. The stars are lining up for First Nations to start building seafood value-chain infrastructure shore-side and realizing a growing share of the profits from BC’s seafood.

Seafood is much more than just another “economic sector” for First Nations. It is a source of revenue from a renewable natural resource with territories (unlike mining and other extractive industries). It brings with it a renewed sense of identity to a People that have been harvesting for over 10,000 years, who are still here, and who are still harvesting. It brings healthy food back to communities who have been “salmon people” for hundreds of generations. This is an economic sector worth investing in at both the Indigenous entrepreneurial level as well as at a Nation level.

Imagine a world in BC where Nations themselves were the key buyers and sellers of BC’s $2billion annual seafood harvest. Where seafood processing plants did custom processing and added market value but then returned those products back to the Nations to sell to other First Nations and the Canadian people. This would truly be an economic renaissance of the term “feed the people”.

ISS Registration IS NOW CLOSED! Waitlist only!

For questions, please email reception@shoal.ca.

Hotel Reservations

All delegates must book their own hotel room at the Crest Hotel. WE DO NOT MAKE THE RESERVATION FOR YOU.

  • Please contact Janet Thorne, Operations Manager, Crest Hotel to make your reservation and reference ISS to get the conference rate ($205 to $225 based on room type).

  • 250-624-6771 ext 448 or janet@cresthotelbc.com

Please see the Travel Reimbursement Guidelines below. Eligible delegates must submit their travel claim by January 31 to be reimbursed for their hotel stay.

Travel Reimbursement Guidelines

 Most economic travel options to and from the conference from home communities (no travel per diem, ferry/flight receipts and/or $0.575/km)

 As travel Reimbursement funds are limited and conference attendees will be prioritized in the following order:

  • Category A: presenters, panelists, NFA and Native Brotherhood Board

  • Category B: North Coast and Central Coast Indigenous skippers who can sell their own catch and Indigenous bulk buyers of seafood (either under license, or “food fish”)

  • Category C: North Coast and Central Coast Indigenous decision-makers interested in community-level seafood commerce development

  • Category D: Other BC Indigenous skippers and BC Indigenous seafood buyers

  • 2 nights accommodation at Crest Hotel in Prince Rupert if travel by road only

  • 3 nights accommodation (max) at Crest Hotel if necessary for ferry/flight connections on Jan 18

  • Dinner can be reimbursed on Jan 15.

  • Only Dinner on Jan 17 and Breakfast on 18th can be reimbursed for those needing to stay a 3rd night for connecting ferry or flight on 18th

  • All other meals provided for in conference room

 Categories A, B, and C will have travel reimbursement guaranteed. Category D will have travel reimbursed if funds allow.

All travel claims need to be submitted to reception@shoal.ca NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, JANUARY 31. Travel claims submitted after will not reimbursed. No exception!

About the Business Matching at ISS

As part of the conference agenda, you will engage in one-on-one business match appointments.

Business matchmaking involves identifying and facilitating introductions between companies and individuals who share common business interests, offer complementary services, have expertise in similar technologies, or possess compatible business strengths. The objective is to foster collaborative relationships and capitalize on business opportunities that will benefit both parties.

Revolving around the business interests of the attending First Nations, development corporations and Indigenous seafood businesses, the essence of the business matching activity lies in the alignment of objectives. We will make sure that the right people connect. Each appointment therefore holds inherent value, ranging from forging partnerships to establishing new customer relationships.

How does it work?

  1. You start with an empty appointment schedule offering ten 15-minute appointment slots (five on Thursday from 2.45 pm to 4 pm/five on Friday from 2.45 pm to 4 pm)

  2. You review all attendees’ business profiles and request appointments with decision-makers you would like to meet.

  3. You respond to incoming appointment requests by declining or accepting.

  4. We provide matchmaking support during preparation.

  5. You use ABM’s message system to communicate with your matches in preparation for your meeting.

  6. At the event, you meet with your confirmed business matches based on the schedule you have created.

For ISS Delegates Registered for the Business Match

1. Click here to log in. (Please use Chrome and bookmark the login page.)
Your login is your email spelled in lower case. You were emailed your password with your registration confirmation. Please use the reset feature to enter your own password. You can use the same feature in case you do not recall your password.

2. Complete and edit your business profile. Here is how. (32-second video)
We got things started for you. Please provide any information you want to share with the other ISS delegates who will attend the business match.

3. Review others' profiles and request meetings. Here is how. (45-second video)
Our system does not allow you to overbook any time slots or book the same organization twice. It is user-friendly and efficient.

You will have many decision-makers and organization to choose from. Making sure you meet with the decision-makers who are most relevant to your goals will require setting priorities. We’ll be able to help!

4. Respond to your incoming meeting requests EXPEDITIOUSLY. Here is how. (29-second video)
It is essential to inform others of your interest in the requested meeting promptly so they can finalize their schedules.

5. Review your Schedule
We will assign table numbers 24 hours prior to the event start. You will see at what table your meetings take place in your schedule.

Call or text Katrin at 604-483-6421 if you have any questions.